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Thursday, 12 July 2012
Diet pills for weight loss
Now Playing: diet tablets, slimming pills
This article contains easy and improved fat loss strategies to finally and quickly see stubborn fat come out of your body once and for all. But I am not sure how long this article will be available, so I hope you will read it really soon. Because you will learn strategies and secrets like why calorie counting will never work for long term weight loss and how restricting calories is probably the worst thing you can do to lose weight. I mean, carbs are not your enemy and how to enjoy a healthy fat burning nutrition program that includes all the carbs you need, which is so called health foods are actually making your body store tons of fat.

And the more you must, must eat lots of food in order to finally shed the pounds, and why many people have been falsely led to believe the complete opposite and much, much more. This is truly one of the only completely free videos that delivers real health diet and nutrition information that you can implement right away.

For more information please visit: slimbay diet pills & slimming tablets

Posted by slimbayuk at 2:50 AM EDT
Monday, 9 July 2012
Tips for rapid weight loss
Now Playing: strong diet pills, slimming pills

I just wanted to share some stuff with you about losing weight. So these are just some tidbits that I have come across along the way that have worked for me in my journey and also in supporting others in losing their weight. So first and foremost I think it is really being kind to yourself and being patient with yourself in setting small durable goals in reaching them. Because any time we set a huge goal and we don’t attain it, we feel bad about ourselves, we just do it, it’s a crummy feeling. So if you can set a small goal such as losing 5 pounds or losing 2 pounds or what ever it is in the next how ever long you want to do that or maybe 5 pounds in the next month, and you will start taking new actions to get there but you know, definitely setting small goals and get yourself a support team and you want, you only want supported people on your support team.


You want people that are positive and encouraging, not the negative people and not those recite cynical people, not the people that will approve you wrong, you want supportive people on your team. Let them know what you are up to and ask them to be there for you, ask them to encourage you and check in with you over your journey and another one, another great idea could be you could actually write your goals out and post them on the wall where you can see it them or put your favorite bathing suit, your favorite dress, your favorite pants, or what ever it is out so you can see it or what ever it is that you are wanting to fit into and so you could see it every single day and know that you are going closer and closer to that. And some really simple things that don’t cost any money to help you lose weight is number 1 drinking more water, so definitely drinking water and exercising. So taking walks and you don’t have to necessarily join a gym and do things outside go for hikes, go for walks those kind of things.


And another thing that can really, really, actually, it is totally free is relaxation and breathing which can actually really help deal with any stress and stress eating that you might be doing. You know, I use a lot about this because you know, water is free unless you are buying it at the store. But if you can get a good water filter, you can drink it at home and air is completely free but we often are not taking in as much air as we can be which is really helpful for you know reducing stress in our body as well. And also the other good thing that can help out is to get a system in place that works for you. Something that is realistic and simple to follow and you can stick with it for a long period of time and what ever it is that you chose to do, do it for at least 21 days and I tell everyone to do it at least 30 days and not actually you have it and you are changing behaviour. So it’s a behavioral level and you will start making changes if can stick to something that long. So those are some suggestions that I have found that worked and I have seen worked for other people that I coached in losing weight.


For more information please visit: slimbay diet pills & slimming tablets

Posted by slimbayuk at 6:03 AM EDT
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Increase metabolism urn calories weight loss advice
Now Playing: diet tablets, slimming tablets

This is a simple three-step mathematical formula to estimate your individual metabolic rate. Now, women burn naturally about 10 calories per pound of body weight per day. Men burn a little bit more at 11 calories per pound of body weight.

This is just – again, the normal energy it takes for your body to run everyday. So here we go, take your weight and multiply it by 10 if you are a woman and by 11 if you are a man. So for example, if a woman was 160 pounds it would be 1600 calories and for men it would be just a little bit more. So weighing yourself weekly is a good way to measure yourself and keep you on track. Now that we have that number, we want to factor in your activity level.

For simplicity, today, we are going to assume that everyone here is somewhat active and what that means is you walk around during the day. You might garden, you might take a leisurely bike ride a couple of times a week. Step 2 is multiply your calorie amount by 0.3 for somewhat active.

Now, add the calories from step 1 and your number from step 2, and this gives you the total number of calories you need to maintain your current weight with your current activity level. This calorie amount will be your starting point. Not that you have to painstakingly count every calorie but it is very important in order to lose weight to know this number.


For more information please visit: strong diet pills & strong slimming pills

Posted by slimbayuk at 3:07 AM EDT
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Fast weight loss tips-Do low fat diets work
Now Playing: fat burners, slimbay weight loss tablets

Do low fat diets work? We have been trained for so many years to stay away from fats, to eat a low fat diet, and only eat healthy, healthy fats. We have been trained  in our society and it’s not fats that make us gain weight. I am here to tell you that it is not the fat that caused obesity in this country and that caused people to gain weight. I know this from my own experience and from studying weight loss programs. Now, you for example, you could eat a very high fat diet. Like the Atkins diet for example, is a very popular one, and it works. And how it can work if fat makes you gain weight?

It is not the fat. You know I am not suggesting that you go and do the Atkins diet because I don’t feel that is a healthy diet because you are missing a lot of key nutrients that come from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains but it flat out works and low fat diets do not work. You are not going to get the  fraction that you need from fats that sustains you for hours before you go to the next meal you are not going to get that satisfaction and you are going to feel starved, you are going to feel hungry and you are not going to able to stick to your diet. So don’t look for a weight loss program that promotes low fat diet and low calorie diet and calorie restriction.

They key component is to weight gain or weight loss is whether your body is in a fat storing mode or in fat burning mode, and obviously, we want to be in a fat burning mode. And what triggers those two modes is based on what you eat and the fat does not send you into a fat storing mode. Other foods like sugars and refined carbohydrates, those are the kinds of food and even fruits when not eaten properly those are the kind of foods that will put you into a fat storing mode and we want to be in a fat burning mode at all times. So please stay away from that low fat diet. It’s not going to work and you are wasting your time.

For more information please visit: fat burners slimbay & slimbay weight loss tablets

Posted by slimbayuk at 6:50 AM EDT
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Losing weight is the best gift you can give yourself by becoming proactive in your health
Now Playing: Slimbay diet pills, slimming pills
Losing weight is the best gift you can give yourself by becoming proactive in your health. You can save yourself from developing diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other deadly diseases. Obesity is a health crisis in this country and by taking control of your weight; you will not only change your life but set a positive example for your children, your friends, and your family. The good news is you don’t have to belong to a fancy gym or spend tons of money on a weight loss program just to get started.

The first thing I always recommend is talking to your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. There are plenty of good books out there to help you get started and one of them happens to be mine. It is called Body Change. But generally, speaking most doctors would agree that walking is a safe form of exercise that has low impact on your body and on your wallet, no gym required. Just put on some sneakers and some comfortable clothes and just get going. You meant to start small depending on what kind of shape you are in and that’s okay. The goal is to do a little bit more each time and if the weather is bad, head to your local mall.

Many of them open early just for walkers. Now eventually, you may want to add some resistance training to your workout and again there is no need for gym and in fact you can go to your pantry and grab a couple of cans and use them as weights. Be creative and if weights aren’t you think maybe even form a jump rope. There are a plenty of ways out there to break a sweat without breaking your bank. The important thing is to get out there and just do it.

For more information please visit: Slimbay diet pills & slimming pills

Posted by slimbayuk at 3:02 AM EDT
Monday, 18 June 2012
My top 3 weight loss tips secret
Now Playing: diet tablets, slimming tablets

I’m going to give you my three top tips on how to lose weight and keep it off without feeling like crap in the process.My first tip is purging control and I know that sounds kind of complicated. I’m going to throw all the math, all the science, and make this process super easy. What I use to eat my dinner on is a kid’s plate. See all of these little fun sections? Well, that’s where you are going to put your food to make sure that you are not eating too much.

This big section is for your healthiest food and the things like meat, macaroni and cheese, the stuff that holds a lot of carbs, or fat, or animal proteins you are going to put in these little sections. So that makes it really easy. Just fill up your plate, you will feel satisfied, and not eat too much. But if you are eating a salad, don’t worry about the portion that you are going to throw at all. Make as big as you want to. This is where I usually eat my salad in. Just watch those extra sugary salad dressings and fatty toppings like cheese. If you are going to throw them in, just put in a touch and it will taste just as good.

My second tip is to throw out your scale. The fact thing is that your weight fluctuates from morning to night and from day to day, so obsessing of the numbers is going to get you nowhere. I worried about how I feel and how I will look on my favorite pair of jeans. So I suggest pulling out your favorite pair of jeans, or pair of jeans that you aspire to fit into and then just try those in maybe every other day, or once a week, or whenever you feel like checking in. Another truth is that muscle is far more dense than fat. So as you gain muscle you maybe shrinking and your weight may stay the same or even go up and another reason to just see how your clothes fit instead of worrying about the numbers on the scale.

My number 1 tip for losing weight and keeping it off is keeping a food diary. Here’s mine. It’s just a little plain black __1:52__ notebook and a fun zebra pen. If you bite it, write it. Put down every single thing you eat. Now, I have been doing this for a pretty long time so I don’t have to look at the calories with every single food. If you are new to it and you want to count your calories .

For more information please visit: Slimbay diet pills & Slimbay slimming pills

Posted by slimbayuk at 7:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Diet Pills effective to suppress appetite
Now Playing: diet tablets, strong slimming pills
If you have problems with overweight, then going for diet pills would be a wise thing to do. Diet pills can be very effective to suppress appetite and even can stop (slow down) the absorption of fats within your body. Before taking weight loss pills and diet pills, consider each of the options which will let you lose excess weight. Losing excess weight naturally by means of mending your ways of eating will let you reduce several pounds off your clumsy human body. To assist you in getting started off, let’s quickly go over some of the simplest regimens changes you can make.

You have to drink a lot of water just to make sure the toxins are washed off from your body. This will let your body get rid of toxins without getting any calories. Besides taking diet pills, you should always eat a lot of green vegetables and salad. Perform some outside games. Games not just invigorate your own lost mood, but also assist you in losing pounds of weight easily. Take some weight reduction exercises. Regular workouts also make wonders happen. Also, you have to prevent overeating. Overeating ought to be avoided since it plays a significant role regarding the weight gaining.

For more information please visit: diet tablets & strong slimming pills

Posted by slimbayuk at 3:48 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 June 2012 3:53 AM EDT

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