Tips for rapid weight loss
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I just wanted to share some stuff with you about losing weight. So these are just some tidbits that I have come across along the way that have worked for me in my journey and also in supporting others in losing their weight. So first and foremost I think it is really being kind to yourself and being patient with yourself in setting small durable goals in reaching them. Because any time we set a huge goal and we don’t attain it, we feel bad about ourselves, we just do it, it’s a crummy feeling. So if you can set a small goal such as losing 5 pounds or losing 2 pounds or what ever it is in the next how ever long you want to do that or maybe 5 pounds in the next month, and you will start taking new actions to get there but you know, definitely setting small goals and get yourself a support team and you want, you only want supported people on your support team.
You want people that are positive and encouraging, not the negative people and not those recite cynical people, not the people that will approve you wrong, you want supportive people on your team. Let them know what you are up to and ask them to be there for you, ask them to encourage you and check in with you over your journey and another one, another great idea could be you could actually write your goals out and post them on the wall where you can see it them or put your favorite bathing suit, your favorite dress, your favorite pants, or what ever it is out so you can see it or what ever it is that you are wanting to fit into and so you could see it every single day and know that you are going closer and closer to that. And some really simple things that don’t cost any money to help you lose weight is number 1 drinking more water, so definitely drinking water and exercising. So taking walks and you don’t have to necessarily join a gym and do things outside go for hikes, go for walks those kind of things.
And another thing that can really, really, actually, it is totally free is relaxation and breathing which can actually really help deal with any stress and stress eating that you might be doing. You know, I use a lot about this because you know, water is free unless you are buying it at the store. But if you can get a good water filter, you can drink it at home and air is completely free but we often are not taking in as much air as we can be which is really helpful for you know reducing stress in our body as well. And also the other good thing that can help out is to get a system in place that works for you. Something that is realistic and simple to follow and you can stick with it for a long period of time and what ever it is that you chose to do, do it for at least 21 days and I tell everyone to do it at least 30 days and not actually you have it and you are changing behaviour. So it’s a behavioral level and you will start making changes if can stick to something that long. So those are some suggestions that I have found that worked and I have seen worked for other people that I coached in losing weight.
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Posted by slimbayuk
at 6:03 AM EDT